Free open classes
Open classes are free online classes that can be joined by any number of people. You must reserve a place before you can begin.

My Little Island
Age group: kindergartens (3-6 years)
The goal of these level 1 lessons is to introduce the child to the first English words and basic structures through an exciting adventure on a fantasy island.
Vocabulary of these lessons : Welcome, My class, My family, My room, My toys, My face, Food, Animals, My garden.
Every Monday at 15:00 CEST; 25 minutes

Poptropica English
Age group:primary school I. level (6-12 years)
The aim of these level 1 lessons is to use basic vocabulary and structures for communication, correct phonetic pronunciation, writing and reading.
Vocabulary of these lessons: My birthday, At school, My family, My body, Pets, My house, Food, I'm happy!
Every Tuesday at 15:00 CEST; 25 minutes

Wider World
Age group: primary school II. degree (12-15 years)
The aim of these level 2 lessons is to understand English spoken word on topics that concern students or the people around them, such as shopping or hobbies; read and understand simple text, use simple descriptions and write simple.
The main topics of these lessons: Cultural activities, likes and dislikes, clothes and appearance, animals, technology ...
Every Wednesday at 15:00 CEST; 50 minutes

Maturita Focus
Age group: high school, grammar school (15-18 years)
The aim of these level 1 lessons is to develop the skills needed for school-leaving English examinations and other examinations by completing tasks other than the exam.
The main topics of these lessons: Family and friends, food, work, people, education, sports and health, travel, nature ...
Every Thursday at 15:00 CEST; 50 minutes

Speakout, Pearson English Interactive
Age group: adults (18+ years)
The aim of these basic level lessons is to develop language skills through a balanced approach to topics. The main focus is on communication, but not at the expense of other basic reading, writing and listening skills that are systematically developed throughout the course.
The main topics of these lessons: Welcome, lifestyle, people, places, food, past ...
Every Friday at 15:00 CEST; 50 minutes