Wider World online materials

Wider World reflects the way today's teens access information and entertainment: from the Internet using personal devices such as tablets, laptops, and cell phones. 

The content and style in which it is presented is designed to inspire and encourage teenagers to communicate. 

These online learning materials are designed for one school year, 2-3 lessons per week. 

Levels: A1 - B1 + 

British English 


- Online Student's book - the same as the printed version, with built-in audio and video directly in the online textbook. 

- Workbook in online form - a tabular overview of all chapters with fillable exercises that will be evaluated automatically and saved. Great for doing homework outside of online classes. 

You don't have to buy the textbook to attend ESITY online course. If you don't buy it, the student will only see the teacher's version during an online class. If you do buy it, it will belong to you and you can access it anytime you like.

You can buy the textbook for the Online course with an online English teacher for children 12-15 years.

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Starting at ১২12.57৫৭ €
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